Blog #285 As the companies I work with continue growing, I noticed a few common themes. I often collaborate with teams that have been acquired by large “successful” companies. In some cases, these are private or private equity, while others, they may be publicly traded. From the outside, these acquiring companies seem to be smooth-running, […]
Leadership Growing Pains
Blog #284 Many of the organizations I work with experience missteps in hiring as their leadership teams grow. The transition from leaders who are doers to true leaders and coaches is one of the biggest challenges teams face. The reality is, most organizations grow as a result of the hard-working entrepreneurial spirit, the “do-whatever-it-takes” mentality. […]
Your Best Self
Blog #283 It is my strong belief that for anyone to be a great leader, they have to ensure they are their best selves in all aspects of life. What I mean by this is a leader needs to be healthy and well-rounded on a holistic level. For example, if you are making good money, […]
Embracing Change
Blog #282 As human beings, we tend to fear change because of the unknown. I read something suggesting human beings are the only animals to look at the past with nothing but fondness and to the future with nothing but trepidation – even though there is almost no data to suggest anything but the opposite. […]
Exodus Goes Public
Blog #281 On Friday, February 26th, Exodus Movement Inc, a blockchain wallet and exchange resource for cryptocurrency, received approval from the SEC to formally announce their intention to go public through a Regulation A offering. Click on the links below to read more about this. In late 2019, I was brought in […]
Senior Leaders Float Above the Business
Blog #280 I just completed a coaching call with a senior leader who is wonderfully smart, energetic, happy, but professionally, she is completely drowning – buried deep in the weeds. She has recently been elevated to a senior leadership position. In order for her to be successful, there are many things she will need to […]